Wednesday, May 21, 2008

completely white

God sees me as completely white-spot free-no stains...all because of Jesus! I can't even imagine!
As the mother of a toddler, I am constantly trying to remove stains, food, grass, name it! I can wash and scrub, and wash, and wash, and it may still be there. Thank God, through Jesus my stains are gone!
A few weeks ago, I went though some of Zaleigh's clothes from when she was an infant. I couldn't believe that some of them were yellowed and stained! I just put them away a little over a year ago....and I made sure that they were clean when I put them in storage!
How often do we, even though we have been washed white as snow, allow ourselves to become yellowed and stained? Do we walk around contaminated by this world and forget that Jesus paid the price to make us completely white?
As much as I love Zaleigh, even at her precious young age, I know that she is not perfect. It will be impossible for me to see her that way, I will always know the wrong she has done even when I forgive her and want to forget. But the Father looks at us and sees no wrong, because of Jesus. I have been forgiven completely!

Lord help me to forgive others the way you do! Help me to see them the way you do because of Jesus. Let me not see and judge your people the way the world does. Father, I thank you that because of Jesus you see me as completely white. Let me receive your cleansing and forgiveness. In Jesus Name-Amen.

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