Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's Not Fair!!!

My precious (almost) 5 year old is really going through a "it's not fair" stage right now.  She keeps saying it..over and over and over!  Usually she sees it as not fair from her perspective-like sissy gets something she doesn't.  I confirm her message that life isn't "fair" but try to show her from the other perspective-that she is on the blessed side of it not being fair.  We've talked about our Compassion child, Nazia and her living conditions compared to ours.  I remind her how blessed she is to have food and home and a mom and dad who love her.  I've told her that it's not fair that Jesus died for our sins-it wasn't fair to Him...but He did it!

Even after all this-she keeps repeating the phrase "it's not fair!!!" when things don't go her way. Yesterday she had a big fit because her little sister got to put her water in to make mac and cheese first.  As a mom, I had a reason for that-Aleigha takes WAY longer to eat, so she needed to start cooking hers first.  Zaleigh got very upset that it wasn't fair that Aleigha got to make hers first...she had to go cool off in her room before we could even talk. 

While she cooled off, I prayed about how to teach her.  I recognized that the problem is comparison-wanting what other's have...unfortunately, she comes by it naturally!  I recalled the last part of John 21 when Peter asks "what about him?" wanting to know if John's fate would be the same as his. Jesus' answer is what we need to focus on when life doesn't seem fair "...what is that to you? You must follow me" John 21:22b

So Zaleigh and I decided that when she feels like something isn't fair, instead of whining she will say "This doesn't seem fair, BUT God is good all the time and I will trust Him!!" We'll see how that works out for her :)

I've already been confronted with it!  I was feeling grouchy and grumpy...because life doesn't seem fair and I don't understand God.  My friend's brother died a year ago at such a young age...that's not fair!  When I think about her parents loosing their son (and can't imagine loosing my precious girls)...that's not fair!  Today I think about my daddy who has been gone for 14 years....that's not fair!  When a momma looses a baby that she didn't even get to hold....that's not fair!  There are many things in life that aren't fair...but we have a choice to make.

As He often does, God used the words I lead my daughters with to teach me as well...Am I trusting God even though it doesn't seem fair?   What is it to me that He chooses this for my life and something different for another's life...I will follow Him!

Isaiah 55:9“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

I won't keep searching for answers that aren't here to find....

All I know is I'm not home yet
This is not where I belong
Take this world and give me Jesus

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