Friday, May 20, 2011

Turn your eyes

This week I have read twice about Peter stepping out on the water.  First in the Because of Jesus Bible study and then this morning I had an email devotion from Harvest.  I am (slowly) learning to listen when God puts something in my path several times...he's trying to teach me!

Peter beleived Jesus, then looked at his circumstances and easy is that to do?  I think I do it at some point most every day. Sometimes we are embarrassed to admit to God that we need help. We feel as though we ought to work things out ourselves. But what we ought to be doing is crying out to Jesus. There is no shame in that. The key is: how quickly will I get my eyes off everything else and turn my eyes back to Jesus?  The quicker I do that, the quicker He will take control again and calm my storm. 

I was drawn to the word immediately this morning as I read verse 31.  Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Matthew 14:31 He knows when I take my eyes off Him, but He's willing to IMMEDIATELY reach out His hand and help me again. 

I used to read the end of verse 31 in a different way...thinking Jesus was getting on to Peter.  As I am growing to know Jesus more, I see it now as a gentle reminder that there was no need for Peter to fear.  It is a reminder for us as well...there is no need to fear, for Jesus is right here!  But should we fear and look away-there is no condemnation when we turn to Jesus and cry out for help!  He will rescue us and strengthen us to get back up and's the promise in Isaiah 40:29-30
29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Did you see that...there is no condemnation-verse 30 says even youths grow tired and weary!  So, when I get overwhelmed by my circumstances I will stop feeling condemned for being 'one of little faith'.  Instead I will reach out for Jesus and believe that he will immediately answer me as I turn  my eyes to focus on Him and get them off my circumstances. And should I forget, will you remind me???
Thank you Jesus that you love us so much that you will immediately come to our rescue when we call to you! Thank you for you grace and your glory and for revealing it to us!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

off track

Since Sunday I have had two posts just ready to get out!!! One about God's gracious confirmation and another about the fear of the Lord...not to mention the notebook of revelation and inspiration God has given me.  I have been trying to find time to get them out (they will need a little work, I tried explaining one to my husband last night and it didn't make sense).  So I  sat down this morning thinking I could get it done....but it didn't happen!  I opened my email...overwhelmed with the amount of emails in my inbox that are just sitting there after the first glance...I started cleaning out the inbox.  Which always lead to visiting other sites, fb, blogs, youtube, etc since the links come to my inbox.  This was a needed cleanup, but probably didn't need to happen this morning, because it led to bad thinking!  I visited several blogs, all wonderful and encouraging...leaving me asking...why am I doing this?  If these other bloggers are out there doing basically the same thing I want to do, then why am I trying?  This obviously led to comparing...their blog looks nicer, they have more readers, etc, etc.  Comparing always leads me to discouragement. 
But I am turning to Jesus, who will lead me in the path of life.  If this blogging thing is really how he wants me to share HIS story in my life, then I will continue to pursue it as I trust Him.  I will not stay discouraged and let it ruin my day that I 'wasted' my time instead of spending it with Him.  He hears me now, He's with me now and He has a plan for this day.  I trust Him!
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