Monday, August 23, 2010

Never Overwhelmed

This morning as I had an opportunity to be quiet and talk with God I realized He is never overwhelmed! As I was praying for the youth and leaders in the room around me, I was burdened and overwhelmed by all that they may be facing. A sweet girl just lost her momma on earth, kids facing a new school year, going to college, remaining pure, resisting the temptations of the world around much going on! It's easy for me to get overwhelmed with my own life and prayer concerns, then when you really take the time to pray for others, it can be overwhelming. I am so thankful that God knows just what is going on in each of our lives and He is never overwhelmed! What an awesome God!!! So I guess when I get overwhelmed, that's when I can just lay it at His feet and expect Him to do His thing!
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