Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Loving well. Session 3

Loving well. Session 3
1 John 4:13-
Matthew 5:23-24 some relationships wern't meant to exist Never
minimize power of apology
When we say I can't He can.
John 15:9 remain dwell abide in my love =live continue
Live in His love. We won't love well until we feel well loved

Testy is difficult foe is impossible

1. Let's start loving because we r already loved. Not so we will be
loved. Human love is self seeking we will be motivated by what we can
get out of it
I love------because God first loved me.
We look for love in humans and it doesn't deliver. Get our cup filled
by Gods love. We are perfectly unfailingly loved by God

Genesis 29:31-35we strive for love. If we Manipulate to get it we
rarely keep it. Desperate enough for attachment. Make sure I'm needed
so much.
I can love not because u love me but because the lord loves me.
Some things have to keep a wire on(teeth) some things we may never get
over. Get freedom and don't go back

2. Romans 5:5 learn to love with the love of God. Don't have to use
our small resource of love. Testy have been assigned and chose for us!
God will use them to complete something that's lacking. They will
bring us gain even though they will bring out the worst (keep it out
don't bite the bait).

3 Lets learn to love with insight Phil 1:9-11
Not called to love blindly ask for insight. Something is broken in
testy. We have ppl who can't voice love can't expect them to love us.
Get insight then compassion. If we don't deal with our stuff we will
be testy and foe. May love from arms length

4. God is going to call us to see hard love as an offering on His
alter. 1 John 4:10. Eph 5:1-2. Sacrificial love. Forgive bring it to
the Alter as a gift. Sacrifice rights and grudge I want to hold lay it
down. When we hang on to it we let it happen over and over again.

Sent from Gwen's iPhone

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