
Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Letdown?

It started even before Christmas the end of each celebration...when we had to say goodbye.  Her sweet question, "momma, when is Christmas over?"

At first I didn't understand her five year old thinking...but then it made sense.  To her Christmas was a time to be with family and friends and celebrate....much celebration-school parties, Awana parties and lots of family and friends.  She knows why we celebrate...and loves all of it!

He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.   Song of Songs 2:4

When we read the Christmas story Christmas Eve night she asked again-Is Christmas over after tomorrow?

I woke up Christmas morning not feeling well.  Our whole family has had a cold for what seems like the past month (we ARE getting better, thank you Jesus!).  Despite the lack of sleep from our traditional late night wrapping, I woke up and thought 'this is going to be a good day!!!' I felt joyful all day...even when things didn't go my way...even when I had an overstimulated 2 year old!

When a frustration would arise that might normally steal my joy...I just thought about what the day meant-why we were celebrating.  We were blessed to host 4 different celebrations in our home over the last week...that meant 4 times cleaning and cooking.  I did it all with joy (unlike some days when it seems like that's all I do...over and over).  Why the joy?  Because my focus was on what we were celebrating. 

So if I choose to celebrate the Hope of Christmas...each day can be Christmas!  When I choose to look to Him and live like it's Christmas morning, it is!  His gifts never end!  His mercies are new each morning!  I can wake up expecting something good to happen to me each day! 

So, friend, Is Christmas over?

The answer my sweet Z needed to hear is the same for us...NO!! Christmas doesn't ever have to be over!  In celebrating Christmas we are celebrating Emmanuel, God with us.  And now that He has defeated the enemy and sits at the right hand of God and has sent His Holy Spirit to live in us...He is always with every day can be Christmas!!!

Even though we will soon be packing away the decorations and storing them for next season-the celebration never needs to end.  We can stay in awe of the nativity-of Christ humbly coming to us. As I did last year, I will be leaving one nativity scene remind me that each day I can have the joy of Christmas because Christ came!

Many times I have had a "Christmas Letdown"...when all that has been anticipated is over.  Gifts are all opened, carols all sung, family all back home, decorations put away, and life returns to "normal".  This year I will let God use a 5 year old's sweet question to remind me that His gift of Christmas is for each day. 

Although we won't have wrapped gifts under the tree to anticipate, we will still have the gift of His presence because of the tree and we can seek Him in anticipation each day!!!

Let's celebrate Christmas today with this precious hymn as a reminder to us and a praise to God!

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside

Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is They faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulneses
Lord unto me!!!!

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